January 25, 2012

Worker, Worker Bee

Hello friends and family, congratulate me, I have my first (official) job and it's right here at Gordon College. I even get a super cute uniform. That's a little sarcastic. But I'm still really excited to be.... serving food in our cafeteria, Lane. Sounds fun right? Actually I don't think it will be that bad, I'm even a little excited. See?

That is the hat. It's pretty cool right? I hope I get to keep it, even if it is a little big.

It even has our snazzy Gordon College logo on it. Bam!

Reasons for getting myself a job:
1. Mostly so that I can get a job in the summer and put THIS job on my resume.
2. I get paid. Welcome to minimum wage world. Dang it.... if I had a car I could totally make more money babysitting. On the other hand.... kids aren't my thing.
Ok, 3. I only work 2 days a week. Really 1 and 1/2. I work Fridays and every other Saturday - so really, it's not too bad. 
4. I might meet new awesome people who also work in Lane.
5. I GET to work Fridays. Didn't think that would be a reason DID you? Well it's true, then I don't have to stress about homework due the next day. Smart right? I think so.

Those are pretty much my reasons and I think they're pretty good ones. Plus, it's not like the job is hard. And (shhh) I'm pretty sure I get to take free food after as left overs. Score.

Here's a normal picture for the family too even though I've only been away for about a week - but I know you miss my face. :)

Other updates? Nothing really significant. I have been going to the gym and starting to get in a regular routine for my days. I try to go to bed early, I'm making some new friends, and overall this semester has been a lot better than the last, maybe because homework isn't so bad yet? I probably just jinxed that. Or it really could just be because I don't have Philosophy anymore. HA! Take that Philosophy and I'll take that passing grade as I smirk at NEVER having to take that again.

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