March 30, 2012

Looking Forward, Looking Present

After one of the most hectic days ever yesterday, all I can think of is thank you God for the weekend. It's approach has never felt so sweet.

Disregard that I didn't do any homework yesterday, disregard that I have an event all of tomorrow, disregard my next 2 classes.

Be thankful for the small, the good, the little gifts of life. And the big gifts. Like amazing friends.

I can't wait for these two to eventually meet one day :)

March 28, 2012

And The World Turns Green

Brown -> Green. 
2 Days.
Not lying.

"And I think to myself, what a beautiful world."

March 24, 2012

Hungry (for movies)

On Thursday night my friends and I decided to be reckless, we went to a midnight premier at the theaters. I know, we're such rebels. But mostly because we saw this movie....

Okay, I lied. That movie isn't even out yet. But you have to admit, it would have been kind of funny. There was nothing funny about the movie that we saw however, it was serious. No games. 

(That's also kind of a joke because we saw "The Hunger Games".)

However, the movie was actually serious and extremely good - well, we all enjoyed it... along with hordes of junior high girls.

Overall the movie was well done. For those of you who don't know this movie was based off of a book written a few years ago, and no, it was not originally written to become a teenage fan craze. Or at least in my opinion it wasn't. However, it has become one, which is unfortunate as there are actually some deep themes in these books (it's a trilogy). 

Regardless of hype however, I did enjoy the movie. Immensely. You see, ever since I read these books - BEFORE they were mainstream, and in fact when they first came out... just for the record people - since I read these books I've been waiting for the movie. In fact, WHILE I was reading them I was thinking how great the movie would be if it existed. And now it does! So that is basically fantastic.

My friend Kellyn's awesome earrings (which are vaguely Hunger Games inspired).

And how cool can I get? Since I'm no longer in high school I have to bring homework to movie theaters.  With my headlamp. Because there's no other way, obviously. 

Also, here they don't make you wait outside theaters for midnight premiers! Probably because the movie theater is inside the indoor mall... repeat INDOOR. Take a hint SB - no sitting on sidewalks in the freezing cold. I guess to their credit however is does actually reach below zero here. Dang it. Also, their theater had like 30+ screens which is also crazy. It was like a hallway of mirrors - only theaters. The place was huge people. 

One last note - as weird as you all might think that I look there were BY FAR much crazier outfits than my getup. The plot line revolves around craziness essentially so there were people with bright pink hair, bows and arrows strapped to their backs, eyelashes out to here, and painted beards. It was kind of weird, not going to lie. 

One last (other) note - in terms of the movie: The movie was actually done fairly well. I didn't have high expectation because movies based on books are usually cheesy and not that great. However, the effects, the costuming, and the camera work was phenomenal. Okay, maybe not completely phenomenal but it WAS very well done. The acting was a little less well done but overall, especially since it mostly stayed true to the books, this is a movie you should see. 
**Unless you are under a certain age because this movie was certainly NOT PG13, it was very graphic and gory and did not hold back in anyway. I'm still trying to figure out how they got away with rating it PG13** 

All in all, a good night that college should have more of. Next year.... next year....

March 20, 2012

"Where in the world..."

"... has that girl BEEN?!" is clearly what you are all wondering. And I do apologize. I have been MIA for just a little bit too long and I have been getting 'Fat Friday' jokes one too many times, not to mention any names. But in my defense...

I had to go across the country to find snow.

And to travel way too many hours in a car in a way too short period of time.

And to suddenly go from being average height to short.

And to board with cousins and attempt to ski again. Backwards.

And to make pasta primavera and breadsticks. From scratch. 

And to make cappuccion-chocolate cupcakes and homemade frosting. Again from scratch.

And to eat meat for the first time since Lent began. (And really just to eat real food again for the first time since Christmas break.... kidding. Kind of.)

And to add to the collection.

So, in my defense, I have been rather busy. Midterms and catching up and experiencing lack of sleep also haven't helped much, but I do hope that you'll forgive me. I am however back in school mode, sort of, and will be better. . . until finals come. Never fear, you still have 8 weeks of constant me to look forward to. 

March 4, 2012

I've decided...

.... that's it's now officially okay to let Fat Fridays extend into Sugary Saturdays sometimes.

Just thought I would share.

T minus 4 days.

March 2, 2012

Fat Fridays

Fridays are for being fat and lazy I've decided. That's why I'm comfortably sitting in bed watching funny shows and painting my nails. That is also why I had 3 pancakes after dinner. Yum, I've missed pancakes.

Fact: Did you know that every 'weight-loss' regime encourages people to take one day a week to eat whatever they want with no restrictions?

Not that I'm trying to loose weight or anything but I feel like this "fact" justifies the concept of Fat Fridays. Yes! Justification to be lazy and slack off all day, minus work of course.

For the record, this is what last Friday did to me...

Stress = not pretty. I made up for it with "Slack-off Saturday" however.

And, so I didn't feel like a total lazy college kid, my friends and I made ourselves presentable for church on Sunday. It's all about modifications in college and going with the flow. That and learning how to be satisfied with what you have and enjoying every experience to its fullest.

Carpe Diem.