July 31, 2011

Europe: Paris

Have to admit, I didn't really think that I would enjoy Paris as much as I did. Of course, fun friends helped. No but seriously, Paris is an amazing city that tops my list of places I would visit again. The food was pretty much fantastic, the building and architecture blew my mind, and I would love to go back and spend some quality time in all the art museums. Because, I'm kind of in to that stuff.

eh. with something famous. i guess the view from the top was ok.

in front of the palace of Versailles. pretty much my favorite palace that I've seen so far. everything was spectacular and over the top and amazing, I mean, look at the ceilings that were in like every room. not to mention those gardens....

the louvre! one of the places i actually knew a little bit about before I went to Paris, thank you dan brown. not that it helped because really, I'll confess, we didn't go inside. hey! not enough time. but the pyramids were still amazing. 

So the other place I knew about beforehand, and the one place I actually really wanted to see, was the Catacombs. Unfortunately they were closed. Because apparently on Mondays they are closed. We found this out after circling the block many times asking confused Parisians for directions. So that was a really big bummer. Actually the worst thing that happened on the trip. But even that was so bad because we had a really yummy lunch instead and got to relax from our whirlwind pace. And, oh darn, I guess I'll have to go back and see them one day...

July 30, 2011

What do you think?

Like the new overhaul of header? I am personally a fan. Mucho better. And it only took a couple of months to do it. Record time. More Europe posts coming soon!

July 29, 2011

And Don't Forget!

Please don't forget to click the 'Join This Site' button to the right if you are reading this!

Europe: Normandy

Normandy was... well amazing. It was awesome to see the sight of so much history and life changing events. And equally amazing to stand on the sand where so many lost their lives. One of the more solemn days of the trip, it was almost unfathomable to see such a beautiful place now, and imagine all the ugly that had happened there before.

July 24, 2011

Europe: London

After a grueling journey... we were, well, tired. But happy to be in England. The best part is, we never really caught up on sleep until we got to Turkey. Nonetheless from beginning to end it was a fantastic, unforgettable time.

Highlight number 1? Les Mis. By far the best cast that I have seen perform it, and I have seen this play many, many times. It could not have been better cast and I had a great seat near the front. Like close enough to see the actor's faces front. I am so grateful that I had this opportunity

Highlight number 2? Meeting new friends. Especially when they are basically hysterical and stick up for you and say just the right things.

July 22, 2011


Before I post more on my recent travels I have to share some yummy things that I am now obsessed with. Be forewarned, some are a little weird.

 yes. it's backwards. not like it matters because it only says stuff in Turkish so most of you wouldn't understand anyway. it's a newfound obsession. like nutella, but softer, creamier, and not so rich. i'm literally eating plain spoonfuls right now. but it's also kind of good on toast for the less adventurous. the sad part? it's not even my biggest obsession. i actually found this hazelnut spread that i liked better when i was in Turkey. No coco in it so it was a lot lighter in color and AMAZING. but actually.

obsession number 2: lipton peach ice tea. i liked this before i went to europe obviously but it's just so yummy!

obsession 3: nescafe. so good! sadly i cannot find small individual packets, only large containers. so not convenient. bummer.

obsession 4: plain yogurt. it's good, a lot better than vanilla yogurt. but i like greek yogurt best. 

July 20, 2011


Yes, that's right folks, I'm finally home. Only 4 planes, 34 hours later and did I mention that this was my first time flying by myself?

More detailed posts to come...

July 6, 2011

Summa Time

To all 3 of you that actually follow me: you're probably wondering why I have been MIA for so long - right? No probably not. But I will tell you all anyway in case you do not know. I'm in Europe. Well Turkey now. And let me tell you - it's a lot harder to find wifi than you might think. Those free internet places? Usually not free. Or they're just inconvinient. Really. And there's the fact that I can't work my phone. In the wifi department as well as I really just can't figure out my phone and why it feels the need to be so difficult. I want my old phone please! İ don't care if it was disfunctional!

Sadly I can't share any pictures with you right now. The beauty of not having my own computer. But I promise! Pics when I return. Also commas when İ return because I can't for the life of me figure out how to do a comma on a Turkısh keyboard.

And rest assured - when I return I will be doing lots of blogging to make up for being gone so long. And so when I'm 80 I can remember the things I did.